
OWASP ASVS certification

The goal of the project was to verify if the customer’s web application is ASVS 4.0 compliant. The application was tested according to level 2 recommendations from the ASVS 4.0 standard. The project consisted of two phases: pentest and interview. During the interview, the SDLC practices and system architecture were analysed. During the pentest, the application was verified according to the selected set of ASVS requirements.


As a result, the customer has received a detailed report which included:

  • the ASVS 4.0 L2 requirements and their verification results (OK, Found, N/A)
  • detailed recommendations on how to fix vulnerabilities to become ASVS compliant
  • appendix with evidences on how each requirement was verified.

After fixing identified weaknesses the customer got the ASVS compliance certificate.

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